Street Ghosts
2012 - 2017. Inkjet prints, dimensions variable.

» Website:
Press material
2nd Press Release on 16th Sept. 2013
1st Press Release on 20th Sept. 2012
- Map and Photo Albums of all the ghosts
- Press pics of compositions in high-res
- Press pics of street art posters in high-res
- Press videos in high-res
- Interview on VICE Motherboad, 2013
- Interview on Libération (en) (fr), 2012
- Artist's statement and theoretical text
- Text "Anti-Social Sculptures"
Selected press coverage
- Mashable, online news, U.S., 2012
- Canal Plus, French TV, interview, 2012
- DW TV, interview, Germany, 2012
- SWR-Fernsehen TV, Germany, 2013
- BTV, interview, Spain, 2013
- The Influencers, video doc, Spain, 2013
- ART News, interview, 2014, U.S.
- Frieze magazine, review, 2013, U.K.
- O Globo, interview, 2012, Brazil
- BILD, review, 2012, Germany
- NRC next, interview, 2012, Netherlands
- Libération, interview, 2012, France
- Le Nouvel Observateur, 2012, France
- Business Punk, review, 2012, German
Online main-stram:
- The Atlantic & Atlantic Cities - U.S.
- Huffington Post U.S. & UK & IT
- Daily Mail 2013, 2012 - UK
- iTVNetwork - UK
- VICE - U.S.
- Toronto Standard - Canada
- Russia Today - Russia
- Kompass - Indonesia
- Infobae - Argentina
- O Globo - Brazil
- 24 Horas - Mexico
- El Observador - Mexico
- Global Times - China
- Sing Pao - Hong Kong
- The Standard - Hong Kong
- BILD - Germany
- Hamburger Abendblatt - Germany
- der Standard - Austria
- NRC NL - Netherlands
- Diena - Lithuania
- R TV - Romania
- R TVI 24 - Portugal
- Libération - France
- Ecrans - France
- L'independant - France
- 20 Minutes - France
- 20 Minutos - Spain
- El Pais - Spain
- Sky News - Italy
- Il Corriere della Sera - Italy
Art magazines:
- Frieze, U.K.
- Creative Review - UK
- ARTINFO - Australia
- Art Practical - U.S.
- Fast Company - U.S.
- Beutiful Decay - U.S.
- TIME Lightbox - U.S.
- Peta Pixel - U.S.
- PhotoBlog - Hong Kong
- Architizer - U.S.
- Here Is The City - U.S.
- Spacing Vancuver - Canada
- The Polis - U.S.
In this artwork, photos of people found on Google Street View were posted at the same physical locations from where they were taken. Life-size posters were printed in color, cut along the outlines, and then affixed to the walls of public buildings at the precise spot where they appear in Google Street View. This project revealed aesthetic, biopolitical, economic, and legal issues concerning privacy, copyright, and visual perception, which can be explored through the artist's theoretical considerations. The artwork re-contextualized ready-made informational material, and reenacted a social conflict: ghostly human bodies appear as casualties of the info-war in the city, a transitory record of collateral damage from the battle between corporations, governments, civilians, and algorithms over public and private information.
Selected pictures of the outdoor public space insterventions
Manhattan, Brooklyn, Denver, Buffalo, Hartford, Cincinnati, San Francisco, Montreal, London, Lincoln, Berlin, Stuttgart, Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Brussels, Luxembourg, Paris, Namur, Toulouse, Lyon, Marseille, Barcelona, Bilbao, Zagreb, Ljubljana, Budapest, Turin, Haifa, Mexico City, Hong Kong, Sydney.
Selected pictures of the indoor galleries installations
Open Society Foundation, NYC; Apexart gallery, NYC; Cenart, Mexico City; Alhóndiga, Bilbao;
Nome Gallery, NYC;
City Hall, Hong Kong; Museum für Fotografie, Berlin.
Video playlist
Selected shows and presentations
AI Attacks, solo show at Foam Museum, 2024, Amsterdam - Netherlands
The Future Behind Us, exhibition at Villa Arson, 2022, Nice - France
Resonances, exhibition at Fundación MAPFRE, 2022, Barcelona - Spain
Monitoring Control, solo show at Fondazione Arti Visive, 2021, Modena - Italy
Tracked & Traced, exhibition at the MSU Museum, 2021, East Lansing - U.S.
Expocollective18, exhibition at Saint-Ex culture numérique, 2021, Reims - France
Extraordinaire, exhibition at Institut Pour la Photographie, 2019, Lille - France
Touch Me, exhibition at 1st Strasbourg Biennale, 2018, Strasbourg - France
DataMaze, exhibition at DOX Art Center, 2018, Prague - Czech Republic
Watching You, Watching Me, exhibition at BOZAR, 2018, Brussels - Belgium
Design Touch, exhibition and lecture at Midtown Tokyo, 2017, Tokyo - Japan
AnonymiX: the End of the Privacy Era, exhibition at Haifa Museum of Art, 2017, Haifa - Israel
Watching You, Watching Me, exhibition at Museum für Fotografie, 2017, Berlin - Germany
Nothing to Hide, exhibition and workshop at Real Art Ways, 2017, Hartford CT - U.S.
Street Ghosts, exhibition at International Kunstverein Luxembourg, 2016, Luxembourg
Be Water, exhibition at Hong Kong City Hall for Microwave festival, 2016, Hong Kong
The Peeled Eye, exhibition at Wave Pool gallery for FotoFocus Biennial, 2016, Cincinnati - U.S.
Private, solo show at NOME gallery at 208 Bowery, 2016, NYC - U.S.
Public and Private, solo show at NOME for ContempraryTurin, 2016, Turin - Italy
Extra Fantôme, exhibition at La Gaîté Lyrique, 2016, Paris - France
TransitioMX, exhibition at CENART, 2015, Mexico City - Mexico
Surveilling Surveillers, workshop at Het Nieuwe Instituut, 2015, Rotterdam - Netherlands
Profiled: Surveillance of a Sharing Society, exhibition at Apexart gallery, 2015, NYC - U.S.
Watching You, Watching Me, exhibition at Open Society Archives, 2015, Budapest - Hungary
After Transparency, Solo Show at Centre Culturel Bellegard, 2015, Toulouse - France
Out of Control, exhibition at Ars Electronica Center, 2015, Linz - Austria
Watching You, Watching Me, exhibition at Open Society Foundations, 2014, NYC - U.S.
Eternal September, exhibition for Aksioma Institute at Škuc Gallery, 2014, Ljubljana - Slovenia
Beyond Photography, lecture at VII MasterClass, 2014, Milan - Italy
Photography, Expanded, lecture at Aperture Gallery for Magnum Foundation, 2014, NYC - U.S.
BORROWORROB, Currencies as Spaces, exhibition at HDLU, 2014, Zagrab - Croatia
Trace Recordings, exhibition at UTS Gallery, 2013, Sydney - Australia
IDFA DocLab, exhibition and lacture, 2013, Amsterdam - Netherlands
KIKK festival, exhibition and lecture, 2013, Namur - Belgium
ISEA 2013, exhibition, 2013, Sydney - Australia
The Influencers festival,
exhibition, 2013, Barcellona - Spain
Lincoln Digital Culture Festival, exhibition, 2013, Lincoln - UK
Artists as Catalysts, exhibition at Alhóndiga, 2013, Bilbao - Spain
26. Stuttgarter Filmwinter, exhibition, 2013, Stuttgart - Germany
Eastern Bloc festival, exhibition, 2013, Montreal - Canada
MediaCities festival, exhibition, 2013, Buffalo - U.S.
Drones / Birds: Princes of Ubiquity at The Digital now, exhibition, 2013, Brussels - Belgium
The Big Picture, exhibition at Museum of Contemporary Art of Denver, 2013, Colorado - U.S.
Public Private, exhibition at Kellen Gallery of The New School, 2013, NYC - U.S.
ShowCase 2013, exhibition at Eyebeam, 2013, NYC - U.S.
Selected bibliographyCartografie Radicali, Attivismo, esplorazioni artistiche, Book, Meltemi, Italy, 2023, ISBN 9788855197830Pour la photographie, Catalog, France, 2023, ISBN 9782957420131L'œil numérique, Sociétés & Représentations, Journal, La Sorbonne, France, 2023, N.55, ISBN 12622966Monitoring Control, Book, NERO Editions, Italy, 2022, ISBN 9788880561569Crisis Vision, Book, Duke University, U.S., 2022, ISBN 9781478018759Reseonancias, Catalog, Fundación Mapfre, Spain, 2022, ISBN 9788498448092Artificial Intelligence, Slanted, Magazine, Review, Slanted, Germany, 2021, Issue #37Costruire il futuro , Civiltà Delle Macchine, Magazine, Italy, 2021, 26124416antiDATA, Book, Les Presses du réel, France, 2020, ISBN 9782378961855Mind the Gap, Book, Postmedia Books, Italy, 2020, ISBN 9788874902897Error, Ambiguity, and Creativity, Catalog, Palgrave Macmillan, UK, 2020, ISBN 9783030397548Vita da art-hacker, Left, Magazine, Review, Italy, July 31 2020, N. 31Es wird ein bisschen unrentabel, Springerin, Magazine, Interview, Germany, 2020, N. 01Making Another World Possible, Book, Routledge, U.S., 2019, ISBN 9781138603547Zwischen Street Art und Medienkunst, Book, Review, GRIN Verlag, Germany, 2017, ISBN 3668490902Street Art und neue Medien, Book, Review, Verlag, Germany, 2017, ISBN 9783837635355From meme to mainstream, Book, MU, Netherlands, 2017, ISBN 9789079423101Public Image, Kunstforum, Magazine, Germany, 2017, 246, ISBN 11160The War of Appearances, Book, V2, Netherland, 2016, ISBN 9789080179387The Cyborg Subject, Book, Review, Springer, U.S., 2016, ISBN 1137584491Streaming Egos, Book, Goethe-Institut, France, 2016, ISBN 9783945048207WATCHED! Surveillance, Art and Photography, Catalog, Buchhandlung Walther König, Sweden, 2016Extra Fantômes, Catalog, France, 2016, ISBN 9782359061659Participation in Art and Architecture, Book, Bloomsbury, UK, 2015, ISBN 9780857727879Repensar lo público, Estudios Globales y Arte, Journal, Review, Uni de Barcelona, Spain, 2015, Vol. 3The Messenger, Foam, Magazine, Netherland, 2015, Issue 41, ISBN 8710966455234British Journal of Photography, Magazine, U.K., 2015, ISBN 977000711912812MediaCities, Catalog, Buffalo University, U.S., 2014, ISBN 9780991254408Eternal September, Catalog, Lulu, Slovenia, 2014, ISBN 9781291980608Frieze international, Magazine, UK, 2014, Issue 160Kunstbulletin, Magazine, Switzerland, 2014, Issue 1/3When Does Surveillance Art Cross the Line? , ARTnews, Magazine, Review, U.S., 2014, Issue septemberGoogle, Brand Documentary, Magazine, Review, Suyong Joh, South Korea, 2014, Issue N.28Street Art, Art Spezial, Magazine, Review, Germany, November 2014Å bade i bilder, Book, Norway, 2013, ISBN 9788249215430Mind the Map, Book, Kunstlicht, Germany, 2013, volume 34, ISBN 9789081777674CREATICITY, Book, LEMO, Spain, 2013, ISBN 9788494115417Photography Beyond Representation, Book, London South bank University, UK, 2013Protocol and contemporary photography, Book, publications de Université de Saint-Etienne, France, 2013Berliner Type und Corporate Design Preis Jahrbüche, Book, TELLUS GMBH, Germany, 2013, 9783942071147New Street Art, Book, Vivays Publishing, UK, 2013, ISBN 9781908126511European Youth Trend Report, Book, Belgium, 2013, ISBN 9789082014709Vie privée: en danger sur le Net?, Le Nouvel Observateur, Magazine, France, 2012, Issue 2506Google Graffiti, ION Magazine, Magazine, Canada, 2012, AprilRevenge Street View Zombie, Business Punk, Magazine, Review, Germany, 2012, Issue AprilOs Fantasmas Do Google Street View, O Globo, Newspaper, Brazil, Oct. 12th 2012De straatspoken van Street View, NRC Next, Newspaper, Netherlands, Oct. 9th 2012Captures fantomes, Liberation, Newspaper, France, 2012, July 1stAus Google Street View, Bild, Newspaper, Germany, 2012
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