Persecuting US
2012. Mixed media and audio installation, 2000 hours long track.

This artwork scored one million Americans by their political affiliation on Twitter and exposed them to online persecution in the aftermath of the 2012 U.S. presidential election. The data was harvested from and recontextualized on the website, which offers a platform for engaging people in surveying and persecuting each other in the form of a info-civil-war of political polarization. The art installation evokes the activity of wiretapping the Internet to monitor political opinions and profile voters. Through an audio installation the audience can listen to a track (over fifty days long) of computer voices reading the dataset of statements of Americans sorted by their political views.

Selected pictures of installations at the following shows
Utah Museum of Contemporary Art, U.S.; Modelab, Wellington; Eyebeam, NYC.

Selected shows
Double Take, exhibition at A plus A Gallery, 2024, Venice - Italy
Monitoring Control, solo show at Fondazione Modena Arti Visive, 2021, Modena - Italy
The Negotiating Table, exhibition at Biennale Saint-Etienne, 2019, Saint-Etienne - France
Panopticon, exhibition at Utah Museum of Contemporary Art, 2015, Salt Lake City - U.S.
Surveillance Awareness Bureau, exhibition at Modelab, 2015, Wellington - New Zealand
The Poster in the Clash of Ideologies, exhibition at DOX, 2014, Prague - Czech Republic
Run Computer, Run
, exhibition at Glitch festival in Rua Red Gallery, 2013, Dublin - Ireland
Fast Connection Search, exhibition at the Internet Week NY, 2013, New York City - U.S.
Showcase 2012, exhibition at Eyebeam Art + Technology Center, New York City - U.S.

Selected pictures of the installation of PERSECUTING US at Utah MoCA, 2015

Selected pictures of the installation of PERSECUTING US at Eyebeam in NYC, 2012

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