is a body of works by Paolo Cirio addressing climate justice from a legal and economic standpoint.
Cirio accuses the major oil, gas, and coal companies in court using data, photos, graphs, and documents on climate change that directly correspond to their greenhouse gas emissions. Highlighted prints of data, photos, texts, and graphics are presented as evidence, plaintiffs, and defendants, climate crisis experts act as witnesses and audiences participate as a jury or identify as an injured party.
Cirio presents the international tribunal of climate crimes with a vast body of material drawn from his research on the climate crises. Using prints on canvas, fabric, and paper, Cirio's informational visuals include scientific and economic data, legal documents, geopolitical analysis, biological studies, and satellite images. The book
by Cirio features his reflection, research, activism, and art on climate change and critique of its representation.
Selected shows and presentations
Exposed, exhibition at Palazzo Carignano, 2025, Turin - Italy
Climate Friction, workshop and lecture at Publix for Tactical Tech, 2024, Berlin - Germany
Really. Knowledge in Time of Crisis, exhibition at Framer Framed, 2024, Amsterdam - Netherlands
FloodNet Residency, commission at New York University's Tandon School, 2023, New York - U.S.
Climate Aesthetics, residency at Strasbourg University's Lethica Institute, 2023, Strasbourg - France
Who Owns the Economy, exhibition at the Future of Work festival, 2023, Den Bosch - Netherlands
Everybody Talks About the Weather, exhibition at Fondazione Prada Venice, 2023, Venice - Italy
Climate Mismatch, solo show at Sale Docks Magazzini del Sale, 2023, Venice - Italy
EcoArts Nexus Philanthropy, lecture at European Cultural Center, 2023, Venice - Italy
City Climate, award & workshop at HafenCity University's CityScienceLab, 2022, Hamburg - Germany
Everything Will Be Fine, exhibition at Tactical Tech by the Technikmuseum, 2022, Berlin - Germany
Voces que se hunden, exhibition at CCS Tegucigalpa, 2022, Cedeño - Honduras
Climate Tribunal Art Testimony, lecture at La Générale, 2022, Paris - France
Mario Merz Prize IV, exhibition at Fondazione Merz, 2022, Turin - Italy
Lab Montagna, exhibition at Museo della Montagna, 2022, Turin - Italy
Artissima, exhibition at Giorgio Persano gallery booth, 2022, Turin - Italy
My Purgatory, exhibition at GAD Giudecca Art District, 2022, Venice - Italy
Climate Camp, workshop at Venice Climate Camp for Sale Docks, 2022, Venice - Italy
Toward a Sustainable Attitude, lecture for Ca’ Foscari University, 2022, Venice - Italy
Natural Sovereignty, solo show at Saint James' Charterhouse, 2021, Capri - Italy
Dutch Design Week, exhibition at Baltan Laboratories, 2021, Eindhoven - Netherlands