Bibliography for the artwork Street%20Ghosts,%20Face%20to%20Facebook,%20Overexposed

Lorenza Pignatti, "Cartografie Radicali, Attivismo, esplorazioni artistiche", Book, Meltemi, Italy, 2023, ISBN 9788855197830
Anne Lacoste, "Pour la photographie", Catalog, France, 2023, ISBN 9782957420131
Nathalie Dietschy, "L'œil numérique", Sociétés & Représentations, Journal, La Sorbonne, France, 2023, N.55, ISBN 12622966

Torin Monahan, "Crisis Vision", Book, Duke University, U.S., 2022, ISBN 9781478018759
Marco Scotini; Christian Marazzi; Paolo Cirio, "Monitoring Control", Book, NERO Editions, Italy, 2022, ISBN 9788880561569
Joan Fontcuberta, "Reseonancias", Catalog, Fundación Mapfre, Spain, 2022, ISBN 9788498448092

"Artificial Intelligence", Slanted, Magazine, Review, Slanted, Germany, 2021, Issue #37
Alessandro Pajno, "Costruire il futuro ", Civiltà Delle Macchine, Magazine, Italy, 2021, 26124416

Jean-Paul Fourmentraux, "antiDATA", Book, Les Presses du réel, France, 2020, ISBN 9782378961855
Elena Giulia Rossi, "Mind the Gap", Book, Postmedia Books, Italy, 2020, ISBN 9788874902897
Emilio Vavarella, "Error, Ambiguity, and Creativity", Catalog, Palgrave Macmillan, UK, 2020, ISBN 9783030397548
Generoso Bruno, "Vita da art-hacker", Left, Magazine, Review, Italy, July 31 2020, N. 31
Tilman Baumgärtel, "Es wird ein bisschen unrentabel", Springerin, Magazine, Interview, Germany, 2020, N. 01

Corina L. Apostol; Nato Thompson, "Making Another World Possible", Book, Routledge, U.S., 2019, ISBN 9781138603547

Cornelius Gesing, "Zwischen Street Art und Medienkunst", Book, Review, GRIN Verlag, Germany, 2017, ISBN 3668490902
Katja Glaser, "Street Art und neue Medien", Book, Review, Verlag, Germany, 2017, ISBN 9783837635355
Nadine Roestenburg, "From meme to mainstream", Book, MU, Netherlands, 2017, ISBN 9789079423101
Kunstforum, "Public Image", Kunstforum, Magazine, Germany, 2017, 246, ISBN 11160

Joke Brouwer, "The War of Appearances", Book, V2, Netherland, 2016, ISBN 9789080179387
Garfield Benjamin, "The Cyborg Subject", Book, Review, Springer, U.S., 2016, ISBN 1137584491
Filippo Lorenzin, "Streaming Egos", Book, Goethe-Institut, France, 2016, ISBN 9783945048207
Mouna Andraos; Melissa Mongiat, "Extra Fantômes", Catalog, France, 2016, ISBN 9782359061659
"WATCHED! Surveillance, Art and Photography", Catalog, Buchhandlung Walther König, Sweden, 2016

Martino Stierli; Mechtild Widrich, "Participation in Art and Architecture", Book, Bloomsbury, UK, 2015, ISBN 9780857727879
Lynda Avendaño Santana, "Repensar lo público", Estudios Globales y Arte, Journal, Review, Uni de Barcelona, Spain, 2015, Vol. 3
"The Messenger", Foam, Magazine, Netherland, 2015, Issue 41, ISBN 8710966455234
Paul Wombell, British Journal of Photography, Magazine, U.K., 2015, ISBN 977000711912812

Jordan Geiger; Mark Shepard; Omar Khan , "MediaCities", Catalog, Buffalo University, U.S., 2014, ISBN 9780991254408
Valentina Tanni; Domenico Quaranta; Smetnjak , "Eternal September", Catalog, Lulu, Slovenia, 2014, ISBN 9781291980608
Joanne McNeil, "Frieze international", Magazine, UK, 2014, Issue 160
Boris Magrini, "Kunstbulletin", Magazine, Switzerland, 2014, Issue 1/3
Barbara Pollack, "When Does Surveillance Art Cross the Line? ", ARTnews, Magazine, Review, U.S., 2014, Issue september
"Google", Brand Documentary, Magazine, Review, Suyong Joh, South Korea, 2014, Issue N.28
"Street Art", Art Spezial, Magazine, Review, Germany, November 2014

Maiken Fosen Håvarstein; Carsten Ohlman, "Å bade i bilder", Book, Norway, 2013, ISBN 9788249215430
Andreea Breazu, "Mind the Map", Book, Kunstlicht, Germany, 2013, volume 34, ISBN 9789081777674
Kognitif, "CREATICITY", Book, LEMO, Spain, 2013, ISBN 9788494115417
Yael Eylat Van-Essen, "Photography Beyond Representation", Book, London South bank University, UK, 2013
Danièle Méaux, "Protocol and contemporary photography", Book, publications de Université de Saint-Etienne, France, 2013
"Berliner Type und Corporate Design Preis Jahrbüche", Book, TELLUS GMBH, Germany, 2013, 9783942071147
Claude Crommelin, "New Street Art", Book, Vivays Publishing, UK, 2013, ISBN 9781908126511
"European Youth Trend Report", Book, Belgium, 2013, ISBN 9789082014709

"Vie privée: en danger sur le Net?", Le Nouvel Observateur, Magazine, France, 2012, Issue 2506
"Google Graffiti", ION Magazine, Magazine, Canada, 2012, April
"Revenge Street View Zombie", Business Punk, Magazine, Review, Germany, 2012, Issue April
"Os Fantasmas Do Google Street View", O Globo, Newspaper, Brazil, Oct. 12th 2012
"De straatspoken van Street View", NRC Next, Newspaper, Netherlands, Oct. 9th 2012
Marie Lechner , "Captures fantomes", Liberation, Newspaper, France, 2012, July 1st
"Aus Google Street View", Bild, Newspaper, Germany, 2012

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