Bibliography for the artwork Social%20Algorithm%20Art,%20Global%20Direct,%20Daily%20Paywall,%20World%20Currency,%20Art%20Commodities,%20Loophole%20for%20All,%20P2P%20Gift%20Credit%20Cards%20-%20Gift%20Finance,%20Open%20Society%20Structures,%20Hacking%20Monopolism%20Trilogy,%20Amazon%20Noir,%20Face%20to%20Facebook,%20Google%20Will%20Eat%20Itself

Marco Scotini; Christian Marazzi; Paolo Cirio, "Monitoring Control", Book, NERO Editions, Italy, 2022, ISBN 9788880561569

Haytham Nawar, "Cairotronica", Catalog, Cairo Tronica, Egypt, 2021, 3rd Edition
Daniela Brignone, "Blocks", Controllo e potere, Catalog, Sicily, 2021
Alessandro Pajno, "Costruire il futuro ", Civiltà Delle Macchine, Magazine, Italy, 2021, 26124416

Ars Electronica, "In Kepler Gardens", Catalog, Hatje Cantz, Austria, 2020, ISBN 9783775747608
Paolo Cirio; etc., "L'Arte di Paolo Cirio nella Società dell'Informazione", Catalog, Lulu, U.S., 2020, ISBN 9781716839214
Jyoti Mistry; Rose Brander, "Human", Parse, Journal, Review, University of Gothenburg, Sweden, 2020, Issue 12
UNESCO, "Big data and singularities", HAS, Magazine, Humanities, Arts and Society, France, June 2020, N. 01
Generoso Bruno, "Vita da art-hacker", Left, Magazine, Review, Italy, July 31 2020, N. 31

Paolo Cirio, "FLOWCHARTS", Systems of Systems, Artist Monograph, Lulu, U.S., 2019, ISBN 9780359616718
Ars Electronica, "Out of the Box", Catalog, Hatje Cantz, Austria, 2019, ISBN 9783775745765
"Part of the Labyrinth", Göteborg Biennial, Catalog, Interview, GIBCA, Sweden, 2019, Edition 10th
Christiane Paul; Paolo Cirio, "SOCIALITY at Printed Matter NYC", American Book Review, Magazine, JHU, U.S., 2019, Vol. 40, N. 6
Eleonora Raspi, "Contemporary utopias", Maize, Magazine, Interview, Italy, 2019, N. 8, ISBN 2612-6079

Olga Mink, Wiepko Oosterhuis, "Economia", Book, Baltan Laboratories, Netherlands, 2018, ISBN 9789081583039
Paolo Cirio, "Sociality, the Coloring Book", Book, Lulu, U.S., 2018, ISBN 9780359294039

"Social Algorithm Art", Catalog, Peter Niemann, Text to the World, Germany, 2016, Issue N.16
"Diagrams & Algorithms", Finance & Society, Journal, University of Edinburgh, UK, 2016, Vol 2, No 2

Bruce Sterling, "Sculpting the Flow of Reality", Catalog, Aksioma, Slovenia, 2011, Issue N.9

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