Bibliography for the artwork Loophole%20for%20All,%20P2P%20Gift%20Credit%20Cards,%20World%20Currency,%20Open%20Society%20Structures

RYBN, "The great off-shore", Book, Interview, UV Éditions, France, 2021, ISBN 9782956275350
Monica Steinberg, "Financial True Crime", Art History, Journal, Review, Wiley, U.K., 2021, Vol. 44; Issue 2

Lynda Avendaño Santana , "Arte y copyright", Book, CSIC, Spain, 2020, ISBN 9788400106324

Paolo Cirio, "FLOWCHARTS", Systems of Systems, Artist Monograph, Lulu, U.S., 2019, ISBN 9780359616718

Dominique Moulon, "Art Beyond Digital", Book, Link Editions, Italy, 2018, ISBN 9780244085926
Dominique Moulon, "L'art au-delà du digital", Book, Scala, France, 2018, ISBN 9782359881974
Max Haiven, "Art After Money, Money After Art", Book, Review, Pluto Press, UK, 2018, ISBN 9780745338248
Daniel Cuonz; Scott Loren; Jörg Metelmann, "Screening Economies", Book, Interview, Transcript, Germany, 2018, ISBN 9783837645279
Marisa Lerer; Conor McGarrigle, "Art in the Age of Financial Crisis", Visual Resources, Journal, Interview, Taylor & Francis, UK, 2018, Vol. 34

Marilyn DeLaure; Moritz Fink; Mark Dery, "Culture Jamming", Book, Interview, NYU Press, U.S., 2017, ISBN 147987972X
Matthew Fuller, "Essays on the Culture of Software", Book, Review, John Wiley & Sons, UK, 2017, ISBN 1509517197
Sunil Manghani, "The Art of Paolo Cirio", Theory Culture & Society, Journal, Review, Sage, UK, 2017, ISSN: 0263-2764

Domenico Quaranta, "AFK. Texts on Artists", Book, Review, Lulu, Italy, 2016, ISBN 1326892924
Brett Scott, "The Art of Being Many", Book, Review, Verlag, Germany, 2016, ISBN 3839433134
"Social Algorithm Art", Catalog, Peter Niemann, Text to the World, Germany, 2016, Issue N.16
"Diagrams & Algorithms", Finance & Society, Journal, University of Edinburgh, UK, 2016, Vol 2, No 2

Alfred Rotert, "Irony", Katalog, Catalog, European Media Festival, Germany, 2015, ISBN 9783926501264
Peter Weibel, "Global Activism", ZKM, Catalog, MIT Press, Germany, 2015, ISBN 9780262526890

Lanfranco Aceti; Susanne Jaschko; Julian Stallabrass, "Red Art", Book, Leonardo, UK, 2014, Volume 20 Issue 1, ISBN 9781906897284
Oliver Grau, "CAAC", Book, Castilla La Mancha, Spain, 2014, ISBN 9788490442357
Matthias Tarasiewicz, "Out of the Box", Catalog, Universitat fur angewande Kunst Wien, Austria, 2014, ISBN 9783200033825
Ars Electronica, "C..What it takes to change", Catalog, Hatje Cantz, Austria, 2014, ISBN 9783775738491
Boris Magrini, "Kunstbulletin", Magazine, Switzerland, 2014, Issue 1/3
Chin Chin Yip, "Cybercrusaders", ArtAsiaPacific, Magazine, Review, Hong Kong, March/April 2014, Issue 87
Marie Lechner, "à un clic du paradis ", Libération, Newspaper, France, 2014
Mojca Kumerdej, "Sobotna Priloga", Delo, neswpaper, Slovenia, 2014, Jan. 25th

Tatiana Bazzichelli; Geoff Cox, "Disrupting Business - DATA browser 05", Book, Autonomedia, U.S., 2013, ISBN 9781570272646
Walter Guadagnini; Franziska Nori, "Territori instabili/Unstable Territory", Catalog, Mandragora, Italy, 2013, ISBN 9788874612147
Roberta Bosco, "EL PAÍS", Newspaper, Spain, March 14th 2013

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