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Augenblick mal!
Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung
by Von Georg Imdahl
January 4th 2025 - Germany
Review in German
With the artwork
Read more about the publication here:
PDF of the Orginal Printed Pages in German
Augenblick mal!
Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung
, January 4th 2025
Highlighted Publications
About the project
Climate Tribunal
Monitoring Control.
Collection of essays,
About the project
Monitoring Control
Images Rights.
Exhibition catalog,
About the project
Images Rights
» See the Archive of all the Bibliography and
Highlighted Publications
Crucial Online Press Coverage
Review on Hyperallergic
An Artist Puts the Fossil Fuels Industry on Trial .
In English. September 16th 2024.
About the project
Climate Tribunal
Interview on Il Domani
Hackeraggio può essere arte da usare contro i potenti.
In Italian. May 30th 2024.
About the project
AI Attacks
Interview on Creative Review
Artist Paolo Cirio on the real dangers of AI.
In English. June 14th 2024.
About the project
AI Attacks
» See the Archive of all the
Crucial Online Press Coverage
Archive Selected Press Coverage
Selected Online Press
Climate Tribunal
- Hyperallergic, review, U.S., 2024
- NIIO platform, review, U.S., 2024
- Radio Ca' Foscari, radio, interview, Italy, 2023
- La Repubblica, newspaper, review, Italy, 2023
- La Nuova Venezia, newspaper, review, Italy, 2023
- Artalkers, magazine online, interview, Italy, 2023
- Chiasmo, magazine online, review, Italy, 2023
- Venezia News, magazine, review, Italy, 2023
- Artribune, magazine, interview, Italy, 2021
- Exibart, magazine, review, Italy, 2021
- RAI 3, TV, video interview, Italy, 2021
- La Repubblica, newspaper, review, Italy, 2021
- Corriere del Mezzogiorno, news, Italy, 2021
- Corriere di Napoli, news, Italy, 2021
- Il Mattino, newspaper, review, Italy, 2021
-, magazine, news, Italy, 2021
- Ansa, news agancy, news, Italy, 2021
- MiBACT, announcement, Italy, 2021
- Voce di Napoli, review, Italy, 2021
Archive of all the worldwide press coverage
- Hyperallergic, interview, U.S., 2020
- The New York Times, interview, U.S., 2020
- Biometric Update, review, U.S., 2020
- The Art Newspaper, interview, UK, 2020
- Index Censorship, interview, UK, 2020
- Free Muse, interview, UK, 2020
- Liberation, interview, France, 2020
- L'Humanité, interview, France, 2020
- MediaPart, interview, France, 2020
- MediaPart, breaking news, France, 2020
- Le Media, video interview, France, 2020
- Le Parisien, video interview, France, 2020
- Le Figaro, breaking news, France, 2020
- Le Figaro, interview, France, 2020
- Le Figaro, review, France, 2020
- BFM TV, review, France, 2020
- Télérama, interview, France, 2020
- TV5 Monde, interview, France, 2020
- France Bleu, interview, France, 2020
- La Voix du Nord, interview, France 2020
- Huffington Post, review, France, 2020
- Le Quotidien del'Art, Cover, France, 2020
- Le Quotidien del'Art, interview, France, 2020
- Neon Magazine, interview, France, 2020
- Monde Informatique, review, France, 2020
- Notre Temps, review, France, 2020
- Kori Slate, review, France, 2020
- VICE, interview, Italy, 2020
- Il Domani, interview, Italy, 2020
- ArtTribune, review, Italy, 2020
- Heise, review, Germany, 2020
- NetzPolitik, review, Germany, 2020
- Der Standard, review, Austria, 2020
- ArtNet, review, U.S., 2020
- Artlyst, review, U.S. 2020
- CLOT magazine, interview, UK, 2020
- SCMP newspaper, review, Hong Kong, 2020
- Zero Deux, magazine, interview, France, 2020
- Süddeutsche Zeitung, review, Germany, 2020
- Politiken, newspaper, review, Denmark, 2020
- L'Espresso, magazine, interview, Italy, 2020
- Gallery Talk, interview, Germany, 2019
- Interview on Gallery Talk, Germany, 2019
- Review on Berliner Zeitung, Germany, 2019
- Interview on Influencer Law, Netherlands, 2019
- Interview on Springerin, Austria, 2019
- Review on Elemmental, Spain, 2019
- Review on Arshake, Italy, 2019
- Review on Imperica, UK, 2019
- American Book Review, interview, U.S., 2019
- GIBCA Magazine, interview, Sweden, 2019
- ATP Diary, review, Italy, 2019
- Juliet, review, Italy, 2019
- ArtTribute, review, Italy, 2019
- Fast Company, interview, U.S., 2018
- FvF, interview, Germany, 2018
- Sedition, review, UK, 2018
- Liberation, review, France, 2018
- Art Press, review, France, 2018
Evidentiary Realism
- BBC, interview, UK, 2019
- ArtForum, review, U.S., 2017
- Frieze, review, UK, 2017
- Taz Die Tageszeitung, review, Germany, 2017
- Neues Deutschland, review, Germany, 2017
- Deutschland Kultur, interview, Germany, 2017
- SWR2, interview, Germany, 2018
- GalleryTalk, review, Germany, 2018
- Berlin Art Link, review, Germany, 2017
- Artslant, review, Germany, 2017
- BPigs, review, Germany, 2017
- Exberliner, review, Germany, 2017
- Wall Street International, review, U.S., 2017
- ArtDaily, review, U.S., 2017
- Creative Applications, review, U.S., 2017
- Mousse, review, Italy, 2017
- Artribune, review, Italy, 2017
- Domus, review, Italy, 2018
- Juliet, interview, Italy, 2018
- Arshake, review, italy, 2018
- Purple, review, U.S., 2017
- Al Jazeera, interview, U.S., 2019
- The New York Times, review, U.S., 2019
- Frieze, review, UK, 2018
- The Guardian, interview, U.S., 2018
- WIRED, interview, U.S., 2016
- WHDT TV, interview, U.S., 2016
- Creators Project, interview, U.S., 2016
- GOOD magazine, interview, U.S., 2016
- Fusion magazine, interview, U.S., 2016
- MIC magazine, interview, U.S., 2016
- Yahoo News, interview, U.S., 2016
- TIME magazine, review, U.S., 2016
- Monopol, review - Germany, 2017
- Version2, interview, Denmark, 2016
- FutherField, interview, UK, 2016
- Neural, review, Italy, 2016
- Hyperallergic, interview, U.S., 2015
- Observer, review, U.S., 2015
- VICE Motherboard, interview, U.S., 2015
- WIRED, interview, Germany, 2015
- Post Matter, interview, UK, 2015
- Sleek magazine, interview, UK, 2015
- We Make Money Not Art, interview, UK, 2015
- Reuters, lead photos article, U.S., 2015
- Russia Today, intervew, U.S., 2015
- ZEIT, English video interview, Germany, 2015
- Arte, TV, interview, Germany
- RT, English video interview, U.S., 2015
- SAT3, English video interview, Germany, 2015
- Tagesspiegel, video interview, Germany, 2015
- Frankfurter Allgemeine, interview, Germany, 2015
- Süddeutsche Zeitung, interview, Germany, 2015
- Die Tageszeitung, interview, Germany, 2015
- Wired magazine, interview, Germany, 2015
- Motherboard DE, interview, Germany, 2015
- Handelsblatt Online, review, Germany, 2015
- Berliner Morgenpost, review, Germany, 2015
- Sudwest Presse, review, Germany, 2015
- Focus magazine, review, Germany, 2015
- Die Welt, review, Germany, 2015
Daily Paywall
- Metro, interview, Canada, 2016
- VICE, interview, U.S., 2016
- VICE Motherboard, review, Germany, 2016
- VICE Motherboard, interview, U.S., 2014
- Art Net, news, U.S., 2014
- Engadget, review, U.S., 2014
- Wired, review, UK, 2014
- As Safir, news, Lebanon, 2014
- Der Standard, review, Austria, 2014
- Numerama, review, France, 2014
- Media Tics, news, Spain, 2014
- Prasa, news, Poland, 2014
- Hilavitkutin, news, Filland, 2014
- Arshake, review, Italy, 2016
- Neural, review, Italy, 2015
Loophole for All
, U.S., 2013
- AlterNet, artist's article, U.S., 2013
- The Nation, video interview, U.S., 2013
- The Verge, interview, U.S., 2013
- The Wild Magazine, interview, U.S., 2014
- FastCompany, review, U.S., 2013
- Dazed and Confused, UK, 2013
- Cayman 27, TV News, Cayman, 2013
- Royal Gazette, news, Bermuda 2013
- Select, review, Brazil, 2013
- El Pais, interview, Spain, 2013
- United Explanations, Spain, 2013
- 20 Minutos, review, Spain, 2013
- derStandard, review, Austria, 2013
- E-24, news, Norway, 2013
- Iefimerida, news, Greece, 2013
- Atlatszo, review, Hungary, 2013
- Delo, interview, Slovenia, 2014
- SIOL, interview, Slovenia, 2014
- SLO RTV, interview, Slovenia, 2014
- Espresso, interview, Italy, 2013
- Fatto Quotidiano, news, Italy, 2013
- ArtShake, review, Italy, 2013
- Blouinartinfo, review, Germany, 2013
- RebelArt, review, Germany, 2013
Street Ghosts
- Frieze magazine, review, U.K., 2013
- ARTINFO, review, Australia, 2013
- Art Practical, review, U.S., 2013
- The Atlantic
Atlantic Cities - U.S.
, 2012
- Huffington Post U.S.
, 2012
- Daily Mail - UK, 2013
- iTVNetwork - UK, 2013
- VICE, interview, U.S., 2013
- Lincolnite, interview, UK, 2013
- ARTINFO - Australia, 2013
- Toronto Standard - Canada, 2012
- Russia Today - Russia, 2012
- Kompass - Indonesia, 2013
- Infobae - Argentina, 2013
- O Globo - Brazil, 2012
- 24 Horas - Mexico, 2012
- El Observador - Mexico , 2013
- Global Village - China, 2013
- Sing Pao - Hong Kong , 2013
- The Standard - Hong Kong, 2012
- BILD - Germany, 2012
- Hamburger Abendblatt - Germany, 2012
- der Standard - Austria, 2012
- NRC NL - Netherlands, 2012
- R TV - Romania, 2012
- R TVI 24 - Portugal, 2012
- Diena - Lithuania, 2013
Libération - France, 2012
Ecrans - France, 2012
L'independant - France, 2012
20 Minutes - France , 2012
20 Minutos - Spain, 2012
- Il Corriere della Sera - Italy , 2013
- Sky News - Italy, 2012
- El Pais - Spain, 2012
Face to Facebook
- Archive of 1000 press clips
- Art21, interview, U.S., 2013
- CNN, review, U.S., 2011
- Vogue, review, Italy, 2011
- MailOnLine, review, UK, 2011
- The Indipendent, review, UK, 2011
- Taipei Times, review, Taiwan, 2011
- Bankok Post, review, Tailand, 2011
- NewsComAu, review, Australia, 2011
- Bild, review, Germany, 2011
- Wired, review, U.S., 2011
- PSFK, review, U.S., 2011
- FoxNews, review, U.S., 2011
- MyTv9 News, review, U.S., 2011
- DiePresse, review, Germany, 2011
P2P Gift Credit Cards
- CeaseFire, review, 2011
- Select, review, 2011
- CoolHunting, review, 2011
- Libération, review, 2011
- Art Critiqued, review, 2011
- Ecrans, review, 2011
- MMC RTV, review, 2011
- Animal New York, review, 2011
- DYNDY, review, 2011
Drowning NYC
- Artlog, review, U.S., 2012
- Random magazine, Italy, 2010
The Big Plot
- Complex, review, U.S., 2014
- ArgNet, review, U.S., 2009
- Wired, Beyond the Beyond, U.S., 2009
- Writing Machines, review, U.S,. 2010
- CoolHunting, review, U.K., 2010
- Biblumliteraria, review, Spain, 2011
- Springering, interview, Austria, 2010
- Mediateletipos, review, France, 2009
- Netzpiloten, review, Germany, 2009
- Ludic pyjamas, review, Greece, 2009
- Calcalist, newspaper review, Israel, 2009
Open Society Structures
- Houdini Nation, review, 2011
- GroundsWell, review, 2009
- Premio Cairo, catalogue, 2009
- Quote of the day, quote, 2009
Check Check Reality
- Konstperspektiv, review, 2009
- Culture Jamming, review, 2009
- Occupied London, interview, 2009
People Quote People
- Springering, review, 2007
- Neural, review, 2007
- P2P Foundation, review, 2007
Amazon Noir
- El Pais, review, 2007
- Blick, review, 2007
-, review, 2007
- MC Jurnal, essay, 2007
- Laboral, catalogue, 2007
- Deaf07, catalogue, 2007
- Stuttgart Film Festival, catalogue, 2007
- Die Zie, review, 2006
- My Own Private Reality, catalogue, 2006
- We Make Money not Art, review, 2006
- Washington Post, interview, 2014
- Boing Boing, review, 2011
- ArtForum, review, 2006
- DiePress, review, 2006
- The Guardian, review, 2006
- Spiegel, review, 2006
- Artè TV, review, 2006
- DerivArt, catalogue, 2007
- Artline, review, 2006
- ICC, catalogue, 2006
- Village Voice, review, 2005
- ExibitArt, review, 2005
- BlogoSfere, review, 2005
Stop the Nato
- Politics of Globalization, Sage, review, U.S., 2009
- Space Security, The Eisenhower Institute, U.S., 2004
- Belgazeta, interview, national newspaper, Belarus, 2004
- Electronic Civil Disobedience, review, U.S., 2002
- INFOCON, OCIPEP DOB02-071, review, U.S., 2002
- NetSecurity, review, Japan, 2002
- Indy Media, call, U.S., 2002
Paolo Cirio's profile:
- Exibart, interview, Italy, 2019
- Il Corriere, interview, Italy, 2019
- ESPOARTE, review, Italy, 2019
- L'Espresso, interview, Italy, 2019
- Il Manifesto, interview Italy, 2019
- La Stampa, review Italy, 2019
- ArtTribune, review, Italy, 2019
- The Conversation, interview, U.S., 2019
- Rivista 404, interview, Mexico, 2019
- SRF 1, interview, Switzerland, 2018
- Artribune, review, Italy, 2018
- Gazeta, interview, Poland, 2016
- The Initium, interview, Hong Kong, 2016
- The Stand, interview, Hong Kong, 2016
- POSTmatter, interview, UK, 2015
- M-Est. interview, UK, 2015
- Afterimage, interview, U.S., 2015
- Buro 24/7, interview, Croatia, 2014
- ARTINFO, interview, Australia, 2013
- INFORMATIÓN, review, Spain, 2013
- Wired IT, interview, Italy, 2013
- Rhizome, interview, U.S., 2013
- DAT, review, UK, 2011
- Digicult, interview (en), Italy, 2011
- MMCR TV, review, Slovenia, 2011
- Delo Si, review, Slovenia, 2011
- Laboral, review, Spain, 2011
- Paper Blog, review, Italy, 2011
Selected Printed Press
Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung
, Germany, 2025
La Nuova Venezia
, Italy, 2023
La Stampa
, Italy, 2022
Le Quotidien de Art
, France, 2022
, Italy, 2022
Corriere del Mezzogiorno
, Italy, 2021
La Repubblica
, Italy, 2021
, Italy, 2021
Il Resto del Carlino
, Italy, 2021
, Italy, 2021
Il Giornale del Arte
, Italy, 2021
, Germany, 2021
, Spain, 2021
Civiltà Delle Macchine
, Italy, 2021
, Italy, 2021
, France, 2021
The New York Times
, U.S., 2020
, France, 2020
Gazzetta Modena
, Italy, 2020
, France, 2020
, Italy, 2020
, Italy, 2020
Le Quotidien de l'Art
, France, 2020
, France, 2020
, France, 2020
, Germany, 2020
, Brasil, 2020
Moscow Art Magazine
, Russia, 2020
, Switzerland, 2020
Éditions AS
, France, 2020
Civiltà Delle Macchine
, Italy, 2020
, Italy, 2020
La Stampa
, Italy, 2019
Corriere della Sera
, Italy, 2019
Voices of Photography
, Taiwan, 2019
American Book Review
, U.S., 2019
The University of Hong Kong Bulletin
, Hong Kong, 2019
, Italy, 2019
, UK, 2018
M le magazine di Le Monde
, France, 2018
Taz Die Tageszeitung
, Germany, 2017
, Germany, 2017
, Italy, 2017
Neues Deutschland
, Germany, 2017
Métro Montréal
, Canada, 2016
La Stampa
, Italy, 2016
, Germany, 2016
La Stampa
, Italy, 2016
The Art Newspaper
, China, 2016
ETC Media
, Canada, 2016
Kunstforum International
, Germany, 2016
, France, 2015
Taz Die Tageszeitung
, Germany, 2015
, Netherland, 2015
The Big Issue
, UK, 2015
, U.S., 2015
British Journal of Photography
, U.K., 2015
Der Tagesspiegel
, Germany, 2015
, Germany, 2015
Art Spezial
, Germany, 2014
, Hong Kong, 2014
Frieze international
, UK, 2014
, Switzerland, 2014
, U.S., 2014
, France, 2014
, France, 2014
Brand Documentary
, South Korea, 2014
, Spain, 2013
, Canada, 2013
NRC Next
, Netherlands, 2012
O Globo
, Brazil, 2012
Le Nouvel Observateur
, France, 2012
, Spain, 2012
, U.S., 2012
, Switzerland, 2012
, Germany, 2012
, France, 2012
ION Magazine
, Canada, 2012
, Germany, 2012
Business Punk
, Germany, 2012
Taz Die Tageszeitung
, Germany, 2011
La Republica XL
, Italy, 2011
, U.S., 2011
Dazed and Confused
, UK, 2011
, UK, 2011
, UK, 2011
, Austria, 2011
, Italy, 2011
, Serbia, 2011
, Serbia, 2011
, Israel, 2011
, France, 2011
PC Serbia
, Serbia, 2011
, Italy, 2010
, Canada, 2009
, Austria, 2009
, Italy, 2009
, Greece, 2009
Il Sole 24 Ore
, Italy, 2009
TATE etc.
, UK, 2008
Il Sole 24 Ore
, Italy, 2008
, Finland, 2007
, Japan, 2007
M/C Journal
, France, 2007
El Commercio
, Spain, 2007
Voices of Resistance from Occupied London
, U.K, 2007
, Austria, 2007
, , 2007
Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung
, Germany, 2006
Il Punto
, Italy, 2004
Selected TVs & Videos Press
- Museums News, online channel video review, U.S., 2024
- RAI 3, regional TV, video interview, Italy, 2021
- La Media TV, online channel video interview, France, 2020
- Le Parisien, newspaper, video interview, France, 2020
- Al Jazeera, Stream TV, video statements, U.S., 2019
- Maize, online channel, video statement, Italy, 2019
- Forecast, online channel, video interview, Germany, 2019
- Digital Vasari, online channel, video interview, Mexico, 2019
- Influencer Law, online channel, video interview, Netherlands, 2019
- Beteve, Barcellona, regional TV, video review, Spain, 2018
- Voice, London, online channel, video interview, UK, 2018
- Terra TV, online TV, video interview, Brazil, 2018
- DW News, Arts 21, online TV, video interview, Germany, 2018
- SRF, Kulturplatz, national TV, video interview, Switzerland, 2018
- Beteve, Barcellona, regional TV, video review, Spain, 2017
- Il Fatto Quotidiano, national newspaper, video interview, Italy, 2016
- WHDT World News, regional TV, interview, (short)
(extended), U.S., 2016
- ZEIT, national newspaper, video interview, Germany, 2015
- Russia Today, international TV, video interview, Russia, 2015
- Arte TV, national TV in Germany & France, interview, (german)
(french), 2015
- SAT3, international TV, video interview, Germany, 2015
- Tagesspiegel, national newspaper, video interview, Germany, 2015
- SLO RTV, national TV, interview, Slovenia, 2014
- The Feed, SBS World News, national TV, interview, Australia, 2013
- BTV, regional TV, video interview, Spain, 2013
- GRITtv, online TV, video interview, U.S., 2013
- Cayman 27, national TV, breaking news, Cayman Islands, 2013
- SWR-Fernsehen, regional TV, review, Germany, 2013
- Canal Plus, national TV, interview, France, 2012
- DW, online TV, interview, Germany, 2012
- Mashable, online TV, breaking news, U.S., 2012
- Newsy, online TV, breaking news, U.S., 2011
- Ceska Televize, national TV, Channel One, interview, Czech Rep., 2011
- Tagesschau, national TV, Channel One, breaking news, Germany, 2011
- L'Oeil de Links, Canal Plus, national TV, interview, France, 2011
- SLO RTV, national TV, interview, Slovenia, 2011
- Apple Daily, national TV, Hong Kong, 2011
- NDR Zapp, regional TV, interview, Germany, 2011
- MyFox LA, Los Angeles Fox News, regional TV, news, U.S., 2011
- WSBTV, Atlanta WSB-TV, regional TV, news, U.S., 2011
- CNN, international TV, breaking news, U.S., 2011
Archive Selected Texts
- Text "
", 2024.
Artificial Intelligence, Militarism, Storytelling.
- Text "
Footprint Justice
", 2024. (en)
Climate Justice, Economics, Activism, Regulation.
- Book "
Climate Tribunal
", 2024.
Climate Justice, Law, Economics, Aesthetics.
- Text "
Climate History
", 2024.
History, Economics, Politics.
- Text "
Climate Aesthetics
", 2023.
Art Theory, Art Forms, Aesthetics.
- Text "
Climate Mismatch
", 2023. (en)
Climate Justice, Semiotics, Aesthetics.
- Text "
Climate Class Action
", 2023.
Climate Justice, Economy, Law, Regulation.
- Text "
Flooding NYC Claims
", 2023.
Climate Justice, Economy, Law, Regulation.
- Text "Artist's Statement". 2022.
Art Forms, Art Interventions, Aesthetics.
- Text "
Climate Tribunal
", 2021. (en)
Climate Justice, Economy, Regulation.
- Text "
Natural Sovereignty
", 2021. (en)
Climate Justice, Economy, Regulation.
- Text "
Extinction Claims
", 2021.
Climate Justice, Biology, Regulation.
- Text "
" concept
, 2020.
Privacy, Surveillance, Governance, Regulation.
- Text "
", 2020. (en)
Healthcare, Technology, Regulation.
- Text "
Art Derivatives
" concept
, 2020.
Art Market, Finance, Regulation, Photography, Appropriation.
- Text "
", 2019. (en)
Photography, Advertising, Sociology.
- Text "
Systems of Systems
". 2019.
Art Theory, Art Forms, Social Complexity.
- Text "
The Flowchart
", manifesto. 2019.
Manifesto, Art Forms, Social Complexity.
- Text "
". 2019.
Art Theory, Art Forms, Art History.
- Text "
" and "
Internet Semiotics
". 2019.
Internet, Semiotics, Sociology.
- Text "
". 2018.
Information Policy, Governance, Art Forms.
- Text "
Regulatory Art"
, manifesto. 2018.
Information Policy, Governance.
- Text "
Systems of Justice over the Internet
". 2018.
Cultural Norms, Privacy, Free Speech.
- Text "
The Aesthetics of Information Ethics
". 2017.
Art Theory, Art Forms, Technology.
- Text "
Evidentiary Realism
". 2017.
Art Theory, Art Forms, Art History.
- Text "
Internet Photography
", manifesto. 2016.
Photography, Manifesto, Art Forms.
- Text "Artist's Statement". 2016.
Media Performances, Art Interventions, Art Forms.
- Text "
". 2016
Privacy, Information Policy, Participatory Art.
- Text "
" concept
, 2015.
Transparency, Surveillance, Appropriation Art.
- Text "
Daily Paywall
". 2014
Information Economy, Democracy, Art Performance.
- Text "
Blueprints for a Global Participatory Society
". 2014
Democracy, Global Governance, Art Forms.
- Text "
(W)orld Currency
". 2014
Finance, Democracy, Global Governance, Art Forms.
- Text "
Art Commodities
". 2014
Art Theory, Art Forms, Economy.
- Text "
Loophole for All
" recap. 2014
Finance, Media interventions, Performance.
- Text "
Your Fingerprints on the Artworks are the Artwork Itself
". 2014
Privacy, Surveillance, Hacktivism Art.
- Text "Direct Democracy within the Internet". 2014
Democracy, Global Governance, Art Forms.
- Text "Artist's Statement". 2014.
Media Performances, Art Interventions, Art Forms.
- Text "
Performing Change
". Curating panel series at Eyebeam NYC. 2013.
Media Performances, Art Interventions, Transmedia, Art Economy, Art Forms.
- Text "Art Performances of Information's Power" slides. 2013.
Conceptual Art, Hacking Art, Art Forms.
- Text "No one should pay taxes as before". 2013.
Offshore, Geopolitics, Global Governance, Art Forms.
- Text "
White Video Visitation Torture
". 2013.
incarceration, Privacy, Surveillance.
- Text "
Anti-Social Sculptures
". 2012.
Performances, Art Transgression, Public Art, Art Forms.
- Text "
Persecuting US
". 2012.
Propaganda, Privacy, Social Scoring.
- Text
"Street Ghosts
". 2012.
Privacy, Photography, Biopolitics, Public Art.
- Text "Artist's Statement". 2012.
Media Performances, Art Interventions, Art Forms.
- Text "
Social Algorithm Art
". 2011.
Constructivism, Social Software, Diagrams, Art Forms.
- Text "
Gift Finance
" slides. 2011.
Finance, Money, Utopia.
- Text "
Transparent Cities
". 2011.
Privacy, Transparency, Democracy.
- Text "Future Climate Change Fighters" manifesto. 2010. (en)
Agitprop, Fiction, Global Warming.
- Text "Global Conscience" manifesto. 2010.
Agitprop, Fiction, Utopia.
- Text "
This Art
" artwork. 2010.
Art Theory, Economy, Authorship.
- Text "Artist's Statement". 2010.
Media Performances, Art Interventions, Art Forms.
- Text "
Recombinant Fiction
". 2008-2010.
Genre Manifesto, Transmedia, Tactical Fiction and Media.
- Text "Manufacturing Consent" slides. 2008. (en)
Social Control, Semio-Capitalism.
- Text "
Amazon Noir
diary". 2007.
Copyright, Media Interventions, Hacktivism Art.
- Text "The Death of the Author 2.0". 2006.
Authorship, Copyright, Art Theory.
- Text "
Google Will Eat Itself
agitprop call". 2006. (it)
Agitprop, Economy, Hacktivism Art.
- Text "
Illegal Art Show
" call London. 2005.
Agitprop, Public Space, Street Art.
- Text "
Illegal Art Show
" manifesto. 2004. (it)
Agitprop, Public Space, Art Forms.
- Text "Netstrike against military conference" call. 2004.
Agitprop, Militarism, Hacktivism Art.
- Text "Media analysis on Desert Storm in Iraq". 2003. (it)
Media Studies, Internet, Militarism.
- Text "
" call. 2002.
Agitprop, Militarism, Hacktivism Art.
- Text "
Stop the NATO
" manifesto. 2001.
Agitprop, Militarism, Hacktivism Art.
Archive Selected Interviews
- Interview on NERO, Italy, about
Monitoring Control
Climate Tribunal
. 2022
Surveillance, Privacy, Big Data, Climate Crisis.
- Interview on Digital War Journal, U.S, about
. 2021
Cyberwars, Surverillance, A.I., Regulation.
- Interview on Dark Data, U.S, about
. 2021
Surveillance, Privacy, Big Data, Regulation.
- Interview on The Great Offshore book, France, about
Loophole for All
. 2021
Offshore, Finance, Art Market.
- Interview on Zero Deux Magazine, France, about
. 2020 (en)
Inequality, Finance, Art Market.
- Interview on CLOT Magazine, UK, about
. 2020
Appropriation, Copyright, Finance, Art Market.
- Interview on Gallery Talk, Germany, about
Images Rights
. 2019 (en)
Appropriation, Copyright, Photography, Art Market.
- Interview on Springerin, Austria, about
Internet Art
. 2019 (en)
Art Forms, Media Activism, Social Complexity.
- Interview on Visual Resources, UK, about
Financial Interventionist Art
. 2018
Conceptualism, Performance Art, Finance.
- Interview on Screening Economies, Germany, about
Financial Interventionist Art
. 2018
Art Forms, Finance, Conceptualism, Performance, Ethics, Social Complexity.
- Interview on Juliet, Italy, about
Evidentiary Realism
. 2018
Art Forms, Documentary, Social Complexity.
- Interview on Gazeta, Poland, about
Loophole for All.
Privacy, Obfuscation, Democracy, Finace.
- Interview on Recto/Verso, Italy, about
Right to Remove.
Privacy, Law, Obfuscation, Activism.
- Interview on Furtherfield, UK, about
Right to Remove.
Privacy, Law, Obfuscation, Photography, Participatory Art.
- Interview on GOOD, U.S., about
Right to Remove.
Obfuscation, Privacy, Big Data, Algorithms.
- Interview on POSTmatter, UK, about
Street Ghosts
. 2015
Surveillance, Privacy, Transparency, Street Art, Art Forms.
- Interview on M-Est about
Global Direct
. 2015
Surveillance, Privacy, Democracy, Art Forms.
- Interview on Afterimage, U.S., about
Global Direct
Daily Paywall
. 2015
Social Algorithms and Structures, Art Forms, Political Philosophy.
- Interview on VICE Motherboard, U.S., about
Daily Paywall
. 2014
Media Performance, Open Access, Sharing Economy, Piracy.
- Interview on Libération, France, about
Loophole for All
. 2014 (fr)
Online performance, Activism, Global Economy.
- Interview on Prix Ars, Austria, abou
t Loophole for All
. 2014
Interactive Art, Inequality, Finance.
- Interview on VVVT, Germany, about
World Currency
. 2014
Algorithms Art, Inequality, Finance.
- Interview on Washington Post, U.S., about
Google Will Eat Itself
. 2014
Information Economy, Monopoly, Business Models Art, Art Performance.
- Interview on Wild Magazine & Do Easy Art, U.S., about
Loophole for All
. 2014
Art Forms, Economic Inequality, Art Market, Offshore Finance.
- Interview on The Verge, U.S., about
Loophole for All
and others artworks. 2013
Media Performances, Finance, Offshore, Information power.
- Interview on Libération, France, about
Street Ghosts
. 2012 (en)
Digital Archives, Privacy, Photography, Biopolitics, Public Art.
- Interview on Origin magazine, U.S., abou
t P2P Gift Credit Cards - Gift Finance
. 2012
Monetary Policy, Critical Finance, Gift Economy, Virtual Money Credit and Debt.
- Interview on Rhizome, U.S., about Artist's Profile and Works. 2012.
Media Live Performances, Plagiarism, Finance, Algorithm Logic.
- Interview on Weave, Germany, abou
t Drowning NYC
. 2012. (en)
Tactical Transmedia Fiction, Infiltration of Reality, Political Theater.
- Interview on Tink, Switzerland, about
Hacking Monopolism Trilogy
. 2012. (en)
Net Art, Monopolism, Information's Power.
- Interview on Dazed and Confused magazine, UK, about Artist's profile. 2011.
Sculptures of Information's Power, Hacker Art, Democracy.
- Interview on Rooms magazine, UK, about Artist's profile. 2011.
Sculping Reality, Media strategies, Hacking Monopolism Trilogy.
- Interview on Artinfo online, U.S., about
Face to Facebook
. 2011.
Social Media, Facebook, Hacking Monopolism Trilogy, Political Data.
- Interview on Digicult Magazine, Italy, abou
t Face to Facebook, P2P Gift Credit Cards
. 2011. (en)
Tactics, Data Sculptures, Parody, Finance, Economy, P2P, Social Art.
- Interview on Artline Magazine, Switzerland, about
Face to Facebook
. 2011. (en)
Sculptures of data, Facebook, Privacy, Biometric, Political Data.
- Interview on CNN online, U.S., abou
t Face to Facebook
. 2011.
Social Media, Facebook, Hacking Monopolism Trilogy, Political Data.
- Interview for NIN , Serbia, about
Face to Facebook
. 2011. (en)
Hackers, Facebook, Online Activism.
Interview for Taz.die Tageszeitung, Germany, abou
t Face to Facebook
. 2011. (en)
Privacy, Facebook, Geopolitic, Social Control.
Interview for Springerin, Austria, about
Face to Facebook
. 2011. (de)
Privacy, Data Sculpture, Geopolitic, Media Performance.
- Interview on Neural, Italy, abou
t Open Society Structures
People Quote People
. 2010.
Social Algorithms, Diagramming Utopia, Authorship, Collective Intelligence.
- Interview on Web Literature book, Italy, about
The Big Plot
. 2010. (en)
Recombinant Fiction, Neo-Realism, Fiction through Social Media, Mediated Identity.
- Interview on "Until the End of Cinema" book, Italy, about
Recombinant Fiction
. 2010. (it)
Web-Cinema, Storytelling, Screens, Participation.
- Interview on Springerin magazine, Austria, abou
t The Big Plot
. 2009. (en)
Electronic Literature, Social Media, Identity, Participative Post Movie.
- Interview on Velvet magazine, Greece, about
The Big Plot
. 2009. (en)
Recombinant Fiction, Transmedia Storytelling, Political use of Social Media.
- Interview on AdBuster magazine, Canada, about Google and
. 2009.
Privacy, Advertising, Web-Pullution, Monopoly of Meaning.
-Interview on VORL magazine, UK, about
Check Check
. 2007.
Hyperreality, Airports Security Hysteria, PsyOps, Privacy, Surveillance.
- Interview on CONT3XT/Furtherfield magazine, UK, about
Amazon Noir
. 2006.
Hacking Monopolism, Copyright, P2P, Copyleft, Gift Economy.
- Interview on Digicult online, Italy, about
. 2006. (en)
Hacking Monopolism, Consensus Making, Click Economy.
- Interview on BelGazeta newspaper, Belarus, about
. 2004.
Militarism and new role of NATO.
Archive Critics' Texts
- Text by David Garcia for Paolo Cirio's shows in Amsterdam. 2024
- Text by Marco Scotini for
Monitor Control
Paolo Cirio's solo show. 2021
- Text by Louise Wolthers for
Images Rights
Paolo Cirio's solo show. 2019
- Text by Irene Calderoni for
Paolo Cirio's solo show. 2019
- Text by Nato Thompson for
series and Paolo Cirio's solo show. 2015
- Text by Bruce Sterling for
series and Paolo Cirio's solo show. 2015.
- Text by Bruce Sterling for
Paolo Cirio's solo show. 2011
- Text by Bruce Sterling for
"Art Crosses the Borde
r" article on XL magazine. 2011 (en)
- Text by Alessandro Ludovico about
The Big Plot.
2009 (en)
cv & bio
archive works
archive press