Press Material and Coverage
Selected recent interviews
- Interview on NERO, Italy, about Monitoring Control and Climate Tribunal. 2022
Surveillance, Privacy, Big Data, Climate Crisis.
- Interview on Digital War Journal, U.S, about Capture and Obscurity. 2021
Cyberwars, Surverillance, A.I., Regulation.
- Interview on Dark Data, U.S, about Capture and Obscurity. 2021
Surveillance, Privacy, Big Data, Regulation.
- Interview on The Great Offshore book, France, about Loophole for All. 2021
Offshore, Finance, Art Market.
- Interview on Zero Deux Magazine, France, about Derivatives. 2020 (en) (fr)
Appropriation, Copyright, Finance, Art Market.
- Interview on Springerin, Austria, about Internet Art. 2019 (en) (de)
Art Forms, Media Activism, Social Complexity.
- Interview on Visual Resources, UK, about Financial Interventionist Art. 2018
Conceptualism, Performance Art, Interventionism, Finance.
- Interview on Juliet, Italy, about Evidentiary Realism. 2018
Art Forms, Documentary, Social Complexity.
- See more Interviews in Archive
Selected recent texts
- Text "Resurrect", 2024.
Artificial Intelligence, Militarism, Storytelling.
- Book "Climate Tribunal", 2024.
Climate Justice, Law, Economics, Aesthetics.
- Text "Climate Aesthetics", 2023.
Art Theory, Art Forms, Aesthetics.
- Text "Extinction Claims", 2021.
Climate Justice, Biology, Regulation.
- Text "Capture" concept and
research, 2020.
Privacy, Surveillance, Governance, Regulation.
- Text "Bodily", 2020. (en) (fr)
Healthcare, Technology, Regulation.
- Text "Art Derivatives" concept and
research, 2020
Art Market, Finance, Regulation, Appropriation.
- Text "Attention". 2019
Photography, Advertising, Sociology.
- Text "Systems of Systems". 2019
Art Theory, Art Forms, Social Complexity.
- Text "The Flowchart". 2019
Manifesto, Art Forms, Social Complexity.
- Text "Foundations". 2019
Art Theory, Art Forms, Art History.
- Text "Meaning". 2019
Internet, Semiotics, Sociology.
- Text "Sociality". 2018.
Information Policy, Governance, Art Forms.
- Text "Aesthetics of Information Ethics". 2017
Art Theory, Art Forms, Technology.
- Text "Evidentiary Realism". 2017
Art Theory, Art Forms, Art History.
- See more Texts in Archive
Highlighted Recent Press Coverage
Selected TVs & Videos Press
- Museums News, online channel video review, U.S., 2024
- La Media TV, online channel video interview, France, 2020
- SRF, Kulturplatz, national TV, video interview, Switzerland, 2018
- WHDT World News, regional TV, interview, U.S., 2016
- ZEIT, national newspaper, video interview, Germany, 2015
- Russia Today, international TV, video interview, Russia, 2015
- Arte TV, national TV in Germany & France, interview, (german), (french), 2015
- Tagesspiegel, national newspaper, video interview, Germany, 2015
- The Feed, SBS World News, national TV, interview, Australia, 2013
- Cayman 27, national TV, breaking news, Cayman Islands, 2013
- Ceska Televize, national TV, Channel One, interview, Czech Rep., 2011
- Tagesschau, national TV, Channel One, breaking news, Germany, 2011
- MyFox, Los Angeles Fox News, regional TV, news, U.S., 2011
- CNN, international TV, breaking news, U.S., 2011
- Apple Daily, national TV, Hong Kong, 2011
- See more Videos in Archive
Selected Printed Press
- The New York Times, newspaper, 2020, U.S.
- Libération, newspaper, 2020, France
- L'Humanité, newspaper, 2020, France
- Frieze, magazine, review, 2018, U.K.
- Neues Deutschland, newspaper, 2017, Germany
- The Art Newspaper, interview, 2016, China
- Tagesspiegel, newspaper, Cover, Germany, 2015
- Wired, magazine, interview, Germany, 2015
- ArtNews, magazine, interview, 2014, U.S.
- Libération, newspaper, interview, 2014, France
- Delo, newspaper, interview, 2014, Slovenia
- El Pais, newspaper, interview, 2013, Spain
- O Globo, newspaper, interview, 2012, Brazil
- NRC next, newspaper, interview, 2012, Netherlands
- Libération, newspaper, interview, 2012, France
- Le Nouvel Observateur, magazine, 2012, France
- Dazed & Confused, magazine, interview, 2011, UK
- ROOMS, magazine, interview, 2011, UK
- Liberation, newspaper, review, 2011, France
- xL Repubblica, magazine, review, 2011, Italy
- Springerin, magazine, interview, 2011, Austria
- Adbuster, magazine, interview, 2010, Canada
- Neural, magazine, Cover, interview, 2010, Italy
- Springerin, magazine, interview, 2010, Austria
- Frankfurter Allgemeine, review, 2006, Germany
- See more Printed press in Archive
Selected Online Press
Climate Tribunal
- Hyperallergic, review, U.S., 2024
- NIIO platform, review, U.S., 2024
- Radio Ca' Foscari, radio, interview, Italy, 2023
- La Repubblica, newspaper, review, Italy, 2023
- La Nuova Venezia, newspaper, review, Italy, 2023
- Artalkers, magazine online, interview, Italy, 2023
- Chiasmo, magazine online, review, Italy, 2023
- Venezia News, magazine, review, Italy, 2023
- Artribune, magazine, interview, Italy, 2021
- Exibart, magazine, review, Italy, 2021
- RAI 3, TV, video interview, Italy, 2021
- La Repubblica, newspaper, review, Italy, 2021
- Corriere del Mezzogiorno, news, Italy, 2021
- Corriere di Napoli, news, Italy, 2021
- Il Mattino, newspaper, review, Italy, 2021
-, magazine, news, Italy, 2021
- Ansa, news agancy, news, Italy, 2021
- MiBACT, announcement, Italy, 2021
- Voce di Napoli, review, Italy, 2021
Archive of all the worldwide press coverage
- Hyperallergic, interview, U.S., 2020
- The New York Times, interview, U.S., 2020
- Biometric Update, review, U.S., 2020
- The Art Newspaper, interview, UK, 2020
- Index Censorship, interview, UK, 2020
- Free Muse, interview, UK, 2020
- Liberation, interview, France, 2020
- L'Humanité, interview, France, 2020
- MediaPart, interview, France, 2020
- MediaPart, breaking news, France, 2020
- Le Media, video interview, France, 2020
- Le Parisien, video interview, France, 2020
- Le Figaro, breaking news, France, 2020
- Le Figaro, interview, France, 2020
- Le Figaro, review, France, 2020
- BFM TV, review, France, 2020
- Télérama, interview, France, 2020
- TV5 Monde, interview, France, 2020
- France Bleu, interview, France, 2020
- La Voix du Nord, interview, France 2020
- Huffington Post, review, France, 2020
- Le Quotidien del'Art, Cover, France, 2020
- Le Quotidien del'Art, interview, France, 2020
- Neon Magazine, interview, France, 2020
- Monde Informatique, review, France, 2020
- Notre Temps, review, France, 2020
- Kori Slate, review, France, 2020
- VICE, interview, Italy, 2020
- Il Domani, interview, Italy, 2020
- ArtTribune, review, Italy, 2020
- Heise, review, Germany, 2020
- NetzPolitik, review, Germany, 2020
- Der Standard, review, Austria, 2020
- ArtNet, review, U.S., 2020
- Artlyst, review, U.S. 2020
- CLOT magazine, interview, UK, 2020
- SCMP newspaper, review, Hong Kong, 2020
- Zero Deux, magazine, interview, France, 2020
- Süddeutsche Zeitung, review, Germany, 2020
- Politiken, newspaper, review, Denmark, 2020
- L'Espresso, magazine, interview, Italy, 2020
- Gallery Talk, interview, Germany, 2019
- Interview on Gallery Talk, Germany, 2019
- Review on Berliner Zeitung, Germany, 2019
- Interview on Influencer Law, Netherlands, 2019
- Interview on Springerin, Austria, 2019
- Review on Elemmental, Spain, 2019
- Review on Arshake, Italy, 2019
- Review on Imperica, UK, 2019
- American Book Review, interview, U.S., 2019
- GIBCA Magazine, interview, Sweden, 2019
- ATP Diary, review, Italy, 2019
- Juliet, review, Italy, 2019
- ArtTribute, review, Italy, 2019
- Fast Company, interview, U.S., 2018
- FvF, interview, Germany, 2018
- Sedition, review, UK, 2018
- Liberation, review, France, 2018
- Art Press, review, France, 2018
Evidentiary Realism
- BBC, interview, UK, 2019
- ArtForum, review, U.S., 2017
- Frieze, review, UK, 2017
- Taz Die Tageszeitung, review, Germany, 2017
- Neues Deutschland, review, Germany, 2017
- Deutschland Kultur, interview, Germany, 2017
- SWR2, interview, Germany, 2018
- GalleryTalk, review, Germany, 2018
- Berlin Art Link, review, Germany, 2017
- Artslant, review, Germany, 2017
- BPigs, review, Germany, 2017
- Exberliner, review, Germany, 2017
- Wall Street International, review, U.S., 2017
- ArtDaily, review, U.S., 2017
- Creative Applications, review, U.S., 2017
- Mousse, review, Italy, 2017
- Artribune, review, Italy, 2017
- Domus, review, Italy, 2018
- Juliet, interview, Italy, 2018
- Arshake, review, italy, 2018
- Purple, review, U.S., 2017
- Al Jazeera, interview, U.S., 2019
- The New York Times, review, U.S., 2019
- Frieze, review, UK, 2018
- The Guardian, interview, U.S., 2018
- WIRED, interview, U.S., 2016
- WHDT TV, interview, U.S., 2016
- Creators Project, interview, U.S., 2016
- GOOD magazine, interview, U.S., 2016
- Fusion magazine, interview, U.S., 2016
- MIC magazine, interview, U.S., 2016
- Yahoo News, interview, U.S., 2016
- TIME magazine, review, U.S., 2016
- Monopol, review - Germany, 2017
- Version2, interview, Denmark, 2016
- FutherField, interview, UK, 2016
Neural, review, Italy, 2016
- Hyperallergic, interview, U.S., 2015
- Observer, review, U.S., 2015
- VICE Motherboard, interview, U.S., 2015
- WIRED, interview, Germany, 2015
- Post Matter, interview, UK, 2015
- Sleek magazine, interview, UK, 2015
- We Make Money Not Art, interview, UK, 2015
- Reuters, lead photos article, U.S., 2015
- Russia Today, intervew, U.S., 2015
- ZEIT, English video interview, Germany, 2015
- Arte, TV, interview, Germany, France
- RT, English video interview, U.S., 2015
- SAT3, English video interview, Germany, 2015
- Tagesspiegel, video interview, Germany, 2015
- Frankfurter Allgemeine, interview, Germany, 2015
- Süddeutsche Zeitung, interview, Germany, 2015
- Die Tageszeitung, interview, Germany, 2015
- Wired magazine, interview, Germany, 2015
- Motherboard DE, interview, Germany, 2015
- Handelsblatt Online, review, Germany, 2015
- Berliner Morgenpost, review, Germany, 2015
- Sudwest Presse, review, Germany, 2015
- Focus magazine, review, Germany, 2015
- Die Welt, review, Germany, 2015
Daily Paywall
- Metro, interview, Canada, 2016
- VICE, interview, U.S., 2016
- VICE Motherboard, review, Germany, 2016
- VICE Motherboard, interview, U.S., 2014
- Art Net, news, U.S., 2014
- Engadget, review, U.S., 2014
- Wired, review, UK, 2014
- As Safir, news, Lebanon, 2014
- Der Standard, review, Austria, 2014
- Numerama, review, France, 2014
- Media Tics, news, Spain, 2014
- Prasa, news, Poland, 2014
- Hilavitkutin, news, Filland, 2014
- Arshake, review, Italy, 2016
- Neural, review, Italy, 2015
Loophole for All
- ARTINFO, review - update, U.S., 2013
- AlterNet, artist's article, U.S., 2013
- The Nation, video interview, U.S., 2013
- The Verge, interview, U.S., 2013
- The Wild Magazine, interview, U.S., 2014
- FastCompany, review, U.S., 2013
- Dazed and Confused, UK, 2013
- Cayman 27, TV News, Cayman, 2013
- Royal Gazette, news, Bermuda 2013
- Select, review, Brazil, 2013
- El Pais, interview, Spain, 2013
- United Explanations, Spain, 2013
- 20 Minutos, review, Spain, 2013
- derStandard, review, Austria, 2013
- E-24, news, Norway, 2013
- Iefimerida, news, Greece, 2013
- Atlatszo, review, Hungary, 2013
- Delo, interview, Slovenia, 2014
- SIOL, interview, Slovenia, 2014
- SLO RTV, interview, Slovenia, 2014
- Espresso, interview, Italy, 2013
- Fatto Quotidiano, news, Italy, 2013
- ArtShake, review, Italy, 2013
- Blouinartinfo, review, Germany, 2013
RebelArt, review, Germany, 2013
Street Ghosts
- Frieze magazine, review, U.K., 2013
- ARTINFO, review, Australia, 2013
- Art Practical, review, U.S., 2013
- The Atlantic & Atlantic Cities - U.S., 2012
- Huffington Post U.S. & UK & IT, 2012
- Daily Mail - UK, 2013, 2012
- iTVNetwork - UK, 2013
- VICE, interview, U.S., 2013
- Lincolnite, interview, UK, 2013
- ARTINFO - Australia, 2013
- Toronto Standard - Canada, 2012
- Russia Today - Russia, 2012
- Kompass - Indonesia, 2013
- Infobae - Argentina, 2013
- O Globo - Brazil, 2012
- 24 Horas - Mexico, 2012
- El Observador - Mexico , 2013
- Global Village - China, 2013
- Sing Pao - Hong Kong , 2013
- The Standard - Hong Kong, 2012
- BILD - Germany, 2012
- Hamburger Abendblatt - Germany, 2012
- der Standard - Austria, 2012
- NRC NL - Netherlands, 2012
- R TV - Romania, 2012
- R TVI 24 - Portugal, 2012
- Diena - Lithuania, 2013
- Libération - France, 2012
- Ecrans - France, 2012
- L'independant - France, 2012
- 20 Minutes - France , 2012
- 20 Minutos - Spain, 2012
- Il Corriere della Sera - Italy , 2013
- Sky News - Italy, 2012
- El Pais - Spain, 2012
Face to Facebook
- Archive of 1000 press clips
- Art21, interview, U.S., 2013
- CNN, review, U.S., 2011
- Vogue, review, Italy, 2011
- MailOnLine, review, UK, 2011
- The Indipendent, review, UK, 2011
- Taipei Times, review, Taiwan, 2011
- Bankok Post, review, Tailand, 2011
- NewsComAu, review, Australia, 2011
- Bild, review, Germany, 2011
- Wired, review, U.S., 2011
- PSFK, review, U.S., 2011
- FoxNews, review, U.S., 2011
- MyTv9 News, review, U.S., 2011
- DiePresse, review, Germany, 2011
P2P Gift Credit Cards
- CeaseFire, review, 2011
- Select, review, 2011
- CoolHunting, review, 2011
- Libération, review, 2011
- Art Critiqued, review, 2011
- Ecrans, review, 2011
- MMC RTV, review, 2011
- Animal New York, review, 2011
- DYNDY, review, 2011
Drowning NYC
- Artlog, review, U.S., 2012
- Random magazine, Italy, 2010
The Big Plot
- Complex, review, U.S., 2014
- ArgNet, review, U.S., 2009
- Wired, Beyond the Beyond, U.S., 2009
- Writing Machines, review, U.S,. 2010
- CoolHunting, review, U.K., 2010
- Biblumliteraria, review, Spain, 2011
- Springering, interview, Austria, 2010
- Mediateletipos, review, France, 2009
- Netzpiloten, review, Germany, 2009
- Ludic pyjamas, review, Greece, 2009
- Calcalist, newspaper review, Israel, 2009
Open Society Structures
- Houdini Nation, review, 2011
- GroundsWell, review, 2009
- Premio Cairo, catalogue, 2009
- Quote of the day, quote, 2009
Check Check Reality
- Konstperspektiv, review, 2009
- Culture Jamming, review, 2009
- Occupied London, interview, 2009
People Quote People
- Springering, review, 2007
- Neural, review, 2007
- P2P Foundation, review, 2007
Amazon Noir
- El Pais,
review, 2007
- Blick, review, 2007
-, review, 2007
- MC Jurnal, essay, 2007
- Laboral, catalogue, 2007
- Deaf07, catalogue, 2007
- Stuttgart Film Festival, catalogue, 2007
- Die Zie, review, 2006
- My Own Private Reality, catalogue, 2006
- We Make Money not Art, review, 2006
- Washington Post, interview, 2014
- Boing Boing, review, 2011
- ArtForum, review, 2006
- DiePress, review, 2006
- The Guardian, review, 2006
- Spiegel, review, 2006
- Artè TV, review, 2006
- DerivArt, catalogue, 2007
- Artline, review, 2006
- ICC, catalogue, 2006
- Village Voice, review, 2005
- ExibitArt,
review, 2005
- BlogoSfere, review, 2005
Stop the Nato
- Politics of Globalization, Sage, review, U.S., 2009
- Space Security, The Eisenhower Institute, U.S., 2004
- Belgazeta, interview, national newspaper, Belarus, 2004
- Electronic Civil Disobedience, review, U.S., 2002
- INFOCON, OCIPEP DOB02-071, review, U.S., 2002
- NetSecurity, review, Japan, 2002
- Indy Media, call, U.S., 2002
Paolo Cirio's profile:
- Exibart, interview, Italy, 2019
- Il Corriere, interview, Italy, 2019
- ESPOARTE, review, Italy, 2019
- L'Espresso, interview, Italy, 2019
- Il Manifesto, interview Italy, 2019
- La Stampa, review Italy, 2019
- ArtTribune, review, Italy, 2019
- The Conversation, interview, U.S., 2019
- Rivista 404, interview, Mexico, 2019
- SRF 1, interview, Switzerland, 2018
- Artribune, review, Italy, 2018
- Gazeta, interview, Poland, 2016
- The Initium, interview, Hong Kong, 2016
- The Stand, interview, Hong Kong, 2016
- POSTmatter, interview, UK, 2015
- M-Est. interview, UK, 2015
- Afterimage, interview, U.S., 2015
- Buro 24/7, interview, Croatia, 2014
- ARTINFO, interview, Australia, 2013
INFORMATIÓN, review, Spain, 2013
- Wired IT, interview, Italy, 2013
- Rhizome, interview, U.S., 2013
- DAT, review, UK, 2011
- Digicult, interview (en), Italy, 2011
- MMCR TV, review, Slovenia, 2011
- Delo Si, review, Slovenia, 2011
- Laboral, review, Spain, 2011
- Paper Blog, review, Italy, 2011
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